Alberta Music Education Foundation

Application for Membership

Annual membership period is April 1 – March 31

* required

* Type of Membership

Please complete the following for Group Regular Membership

The Alberta Music Education Foundation produces a semi-annual magazine called The Clarion digitally. You can instead choose to receive a print version for an extra $15.00 per year. Please indicate your preference for The Clarion below

* Please select your method of payment


Make a Donation

We invite you to donate to help support our many programs in addition to your membership. Donors are recognized in all print publications of the Alberta Music Education Foundation, including The Clarion. Charitable receipts will be issued for donations over $10 (Charitable Registration # 87747 9329 RR0001).

Donate an amount of your own choosing.

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OR donate using PayPal below

Become a Friend of AMEF by donating between $240 and $500.

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OR donate using PayPal below

Become a Solo Sponsor by donating more than $500.

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OR donate using PayPal below